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Three men appear in Binga Magistrate Court on murder charges

09 Nov 2023 at 19:21hrs | Views
Three individuals, namely Nkosiyenzelwa Masuku (aged 50), Simpto Ncube Watson (aged 28), and Cosmas Ncube, also known as Nkomazana (aged 40), all hailing from Bilinda Village in Chinonge, Binga, appeared in Binga Magistrate Court on Wednesday to face murder charges.

Allegedly, on November 5, a traditional beer festival took place in the village. Singazi Kunene (aged 32) reportedly displayed violent behavior. Despite efforts from friends of the deceased to pacify the situation, their attempts were unsuccessful.

Kunene purportedly proceeded to set fire to the bedroom of one of the accused individuals on the same day. In response to this action, the three accused men joined forces, apprehended Kunene, tied him up with ropes, and subjected him to assault until he lost consciousness.

The lifeless body of Kunene was discovered the following morning by a concerned neighbor who wishes to remain anonymous.

The CID Hwange responded to the case, resulting in the arrest of all three accused individuals. They are presently in custody at Binga Prison pending initial remand while further investigations are conducted. The deceased's body was taken to Bulawayo United Bulawayo Hospitals (UBH) for a post-mortem examination.

Source - Peter Matuka
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