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Agronomist publishes a Shona version Tobacco farming handbook

by Simbarashe Sithole
11 Dec 2022 at 20:02hrs | Views
Farmers can now read the technical advice on Tobacco growing in shona and improve their  farming practices. This is after a shona handbook entitled 'Bhizimisi Rekurimwa Kwefodya muZimbabwe' was produced by  Lazarus Gatawa who is an Agronomist based in Mashonaland Central province. The handbook has 83 pages.

Mr Gatawa said he produced tobacco advice in shona because after doing some survey with small-scale tobacco farmers, he discovered that though there is a lot of literature being given to them, many will grasp instructions presented in Shona better even if they can read English. 

The shona handbook will also cater for those hardworking and productive farmers who can not read English. Mixing of chemicals and  placement of fertilizers is made easier through explanations in shona language. The book is also user friendly for Field officers to use for training seminars, farm Supervisors and foremen and promotes high yield and leaf quality.

The book is up for sale and those who need a copy can contact him through

Source - Byo24news