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Massive air pollution as BCC leaves sewage tanks uncovered - Photos

28 Apr 2015 at 19:16hrs | Views

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10:07pm, Apr 27 - ‪+263 7* *** ****‬:
Byo24 thanks so much for your forum or platform. We as residents of Pumula South near Makoni shopping centre. Due to poor planning by our city fathers (meaning Bulawayo city council) we are now  suffering from air pollution. Possibilities of outbreak of cholera are high . There sewage tanks that has been constructed by hawkflight construction company for the Mutunzini houses which iz also under Pumula South. The sewage tanks are not covered and when fullup these tank flow to a small stream . We are much affected by the smell especially during the night when it is not windy please may publish my complaint no fresh air for us hear in Pumula south my query is how can council authorise such shit job ...............

Source - Byo24News via WhatsApp
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